Monday, February 19, 2007

FW: Update... some good news... keep up the pressure... public meetings

In the below update, Matt Rhoades covers everything I had planned to send out and more in an update sent to a new East Dupont Group we’re calling Borderstan. The meeting announcements are Item 6. The Dupont Public Safety meeting tomorrow night and a Shaw meeting the Mayor, the new Chief, and CM Evans is Wed.


Rob Halligan


From: Border Stan []
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2007 1:10 PM
Subject: Update... some good news... keep up the pressure... public meetings


To: Borderstan Neighbors


From: Chen, Julie and Matt


Please forward this e-mail to Borderstan neighbors and friends
who you believe want to be added to this e-mail list.

Borderstan: P to R Street and 14th to 16th Street NW


In this E-mail

  1. Police Contact Information
  1. Crime Statistics: Some good news from Lt. Scott Dignan
  1. The Statistics: What they don't include (and how you can help)
  1. Reporting Drug Activity
  1. Leafleting
  1. Public Meetings -- try to attend one (keep up the pressure for Borderstan)
  1. Report from February 7 ANC 2F Meeting
  1. Links to Information

Police Contact Information

  • MPD 3rd District Commander: Commander Larry McCoy, 202-673-6820

Crime Statistics: Lt. Dignan's Report

Here is some good news from the PSA 306 commander, Lt. Scott Dignan:

  • "I received the crime statistics and they show violent crimes (Homicides, Sexual Assaults, Robberies, and Assault with a Dangerous Weapon) are down by -58% in PSA 306 and -33% in PSA 307.
  • "These numbers are based on a thirty day comparison (December 2006 and January 2007). With that said it does not reflect the fear of crime in your neighborhood. The only way to judge this is from what I hear from you.
  • "I have established two new beats in the neighborhood. First a permanent foot patrol, Officer Alton, who works the 3 pm to 11 pm shift with Tuesday and Wednesdays as his days off.
  • "Also, I have directed some additional resources from the power shift (8 pm to 4 am) and they are to focus on the alleys, small walkways and engage those who seem to be out of place. Currently, the power shift has four officers assigned, all from 306 and 307.
  • "In the near future I would like to have a mountain bike patrol and more foot patrols in the Borderstan area. Currently I have one PSA 306 officer scheduled to attend mountain bike training at the end of the month. Once he is trained he will be out in the neighborhood." -- Lt. Scott Dignan  

The Statistics

  • Unreported drug activity. In addition, it is important to remember that these are reported crimes. The statistics cannot reflect unreported drug dealing and public drug use -- one of the biggest problems we have had in Borderstan. It is up to us to report suspicious activity, especially drug-related activity.
  • What next? Lt. Dignan (and Lt. Smith in PSA 307-West Borderstan) needs our help to keep resources in Borderstan. Remember that attending public meetings is an important way of lobbying our public officials. Attendance at the January 27 PSA 306-307 meeting at district headquarters was quite good -- and it was noted.

Reporting Drug Activity

IMPORTANT! If you see drug suspect drug activity (one-time or on-going), report it to the "Mission Focus Unit," in addition to telling Lt. Scott Dignan. Officer Wilfredo Manlapaz is head of the Mission Focus Unit: This is one of the major problems we have had in Borderstan in the past year.


We have done some leafleting in the Borderstan microhood, leaving a flyer and safety tips on about 1/3 of the doorsteps or mailboxes that are accessible. To date, we have received eight new members for the e-mail list. Volunteers are most welcome!

Upcoming Public Meetings

  1. PSA 306 Monthly Meeting: Tuesday, February 20 at 7:00 p.m. at 3rd District Headquarters at 1620 V Street NW. Meet our local patrol officers, including Lt. Dignan -- an excellent opportunity to point out concerns and issues specific to our microhood of Borderstan. Even if you live in East Borderstan in PSA 307 (east of 15th Street), you should attend.
  1. Special Public Safety Meeting: Wednesday, February 21, 6 to 8 p.m. Council Member Jack Evans is hosting a special public safety meeting at United House of Prayer at 601 M Street NW. New Police Chief Cathy Lanier and Mayor Adrian Fenty will attend. This is an opportunity to bring public safety issues in our neighborhood, ward and city to light.
  1. Dupont Circle Citizens Association Monthly Meeting: Monday, March 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Anderson House, Society of the Cincinnati at 2118 Massachusetts Avenue NW. Mayor Fenty and Council Member Jack Evans will attend. This is another opportunity to bring public safety issues in our neighborhood, ward and city to light.
  1. Meeting with Borderstan Churches: There is a special meeting on Saturday, March 3 at 4 p.m. at the Foundry United Methodist Church, corner of 16th and P Streets NW. Borderstan residents will meet with representatives of local churches and city officials to discuss the arrangements that churches make for homeless people -- and the relationship to public safety.

ANC2F Meeting: Feb. 7

The DCist Web site has a good summary of the Feb. 7 monthly meeting of the ANC 2F/Logan Circle meeting. Police Chief Lanier and a number of the MPD officers who serve Borderstan attended.

Links to Information

  • ANC 2B /Dupont Circle home page. The single-member district commissioner for West Borderstan (west of 15th Street) is Ryan Butler.
  • ANC 2F / Logan Circle home page. The single-member district commissioner for East Borderstan (east of 15th Street) is Charles Reed (chairman of ANC 2F).