1) Wanted: Block Captains
To boost crime prevention in our patrol area, a Neighborhood Network is being organized to establish a two-way communication tree between Dupont residents and 2nd District Headquarters. These neighborhood watch groups are more popular in the 2nd District than in the 3rd District that we just left. And as residents, we must do more to be aware of information about crimes and crime sprees in a timely manner. We also would do well by making our police more aware of our issues.
Violent and so-called lifestyle crime is a problem in our patrol area. Comparing the crime stats for Dupont, Capitol Hill, and Georgetown, we have the highest crime rate by far. Some recent examples close to home: about 10 burglaries occurred in large building in one week before apartment building residents and managers were made aware of the spree; a prostitute and a crack dealer were doing their business recently in an alley off 16th St. (This scene was well-documented in photos by a neighbor - and picked up by blogs around the world); a robbery of all the workers at a construction site at 14th and T with a AK-47. Our best defense is awareness and a free flow of information.
The aim is to have a Block Captain on every block and in every apartment building in PSA 208. The task of a Block Captain is to be in communication with as many people as possible on your block or in your apartment building and to know who might need help in an evacuation in a fire or other emergency. Block Captains will be kept informed by Lt. Scott Dignan and through the Neighborhood Network Coordinator, Sol Levine. For information flow in the other direction, residents should contact their Block Captain when they see something suspicious or have a concern.
The more information that is shared, the less likely you will become a victim of a crime. Of course, call 911/311 if you see something going on. Our MPD leadership can push staffing into areas where it is most needed by getting this intelligence. There are plenty of police in our PSA - good men and women dedicated to preventing and responding to crime. They are reaching out to get to know us. The Neighborhood Network is our end of the bargain and for our own well-being.
Block Captains will be trained by Samantha Nolan, who has established hundreds of neighborhood watch operations in her career. There are some things we can do right off the bat. The training schedule with Samantha will be established as we have enough volunteers to get started.
If you are interested in being a block captain, please attend meeting below or respond to Sol Levine by e-mail: Neighborhood.Network.208@Gmail.com
2) Reminder - Dupont Public Safety Meeting
Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday November 20th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion.
Think about bringing an at-risk kid who might benefit from positive communications with police.
3) Survey Regarding PSA Change
The "PSA 208 Speaks: Neighborhood Survey" is now available under the Files section of the 2D Listserv (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MPD-2d/), the DupontForum, or is attached. Residents of Police Service Area 208 are invited to download and complete the survey and return it to the Second or Third District stations by November 25, 2007.
You can also obtain copies of the survey at 2D and 3D station or by visiting www.mpdc.dc.gov/psa208. Click on the link to the survey to download the survey (in Adobe PDF format). Questions about the survey can be directed to Lt. Scott Dignan (PSA208) at (202) 730-1904. (The survey document is also on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DupontForum/files/ if your listserv stripped the attachment)
4) Look out
Late last Saturday night/early Sunday morning, two armed robberies occurred on 17th Street, in the 1900 block. 2D Lt. Scott Dignan says that he has reason to believe that the crimes were committed by the same two individuals, and that because of their success in the area, will probably strike again.
Both were armed with handguns, in one instance robbing a group of three people, the other a single victim. Both robberies occurred at about 2:30am Sunday morning. None of the victims were injured.
Look Out: Two light skinned African American males, one approx 5’9, the other about 6’2.
Lt. Dignan also said he sees these armed robberies in the context of a surge in serious crime in our general area.
If we had the Neighborhood Network up, residents and businesses would have gotten this info earlier.
Rob Halligan
202 319 1313
Please don’t hesitate to ask to be removed from this list and to pass these on to people who may be interested or may want to join.