Friday, August 31, 2007

PSA Move to 2D Announced

PSA 306 (Dupont and Kalorama) will be PSA 208 come Sunday.  There will be no PSA 306 (307 and 308 won’t change their numbers). MPD has handled the communication and the taking of the community’s input on this matter very well, in my opinion. Let’s hope the transfer itself goes as well. Here are the new contacts and addresses:,a,1239,q,544652,mpdcNav_GID,1535.asp . The map and roster have not yet been updated.


There has been a spike in burglaries in East Dupont and Logan in large apartment buildings. A suspect has been identified. The security tapes have shown residents letting the suspect into the building without getting buzzed up. Pressure your neighbors and management to stop people from doing that.


Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



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Monday, August 20, 2007

Public Safety Meeting Reminder


Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday August 21st at 7pm for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues at the 1620 V Street 3D Station. (It’s always held on the 3rd Tuesdays.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion. You drive the agenda. MPD has been solving some long-standing problems recently. Give them a try.


National Night Out August 7th had a great turn out. Thanks again to Mark and Orlando’s, Palomar Hotel, and Main Streets for sponsoring. MPD followed up on what they learned that nigh and made 2 arrests already as a result.


Darrell Barber was arrested for violating his parole. Thanks to all those who helped on that.


Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



If you don’t want to be on this list, just ask to be removed. Feel free to pass this on to people who may want to be on the list.



Sunday, August 5, 2007

National Night Out Tuesday and Misc

1)National Night Out (NNO) is a nationwide annual event where local police departments rally community members to join with neighbors and police officers to:

  • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
  • Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs;
  • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
  • Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

Dupont’s National Night Out, this year, is on Hopkins Court, Tuesday, August 7th, 5pm to 7pm. Hopkins is that one block street that runs south off of P Street in between 20th and 21st. MPD will block off the street. Parked cars will have to be moved.


We’ll be grilling up burgers and hot dogs donated by the Hotel Palomar. Mark & Orlando’s and other local restaurants will be providing a smorgasbord of side items from baked beans and cole slaw to mac’n’cheese and salad. There will be a jazz band.


MPD will bring one of their harbor patrol boats, have a helicopter do a low fly by, and bring key personal such as the lieutenant in charge of drug investigations. Besides coming to get to know your police, please come with info on the area drug dealing. The Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit (GLLU) will be there, too.



2) From our Lieutenant Dignan:


The Third District would like to make everyone aware of the arrest of two subjects that are believed to have been involved in at least 5 robberies in your neighborhood: 1900 block of 13th Street, 1800 block of 13th Street,1500 P Street, 1600 Church Street and the 2100 block of 14th Street.  We are also looking to see if the subjects could possibly been involved in more robberies.     


3) From a reliable neighbor:


Rash of attempted break ins, and one successful break in  on 1400 Swann today in broad daylight.  Appx. 2:30pm, several  attempted entries into properties in the 1400 blocks of Swann and T.  Burglar(s) took computers and other valuables while residents were gone for just one hour.  Police have been very responsive, both to the burglary, and with a separate patrol car visiting our block, with the officer talking with neighbors.



4) The Chief of Police is likely receive the recommendation that our Police Service Area (PSA) for Dupont and Kalorama be moved to the 2nd Police District but that has not been officially recommended.



5) Darrell Barber hasn’t been arrested. There is someone who looks like Darrell Barber in the neighborhood but who is less mobile. Darrell Barber struts around like he’s working; the other guy walks with a cane. He has no warrant or court-ordered stay-away so calling his whereabouts to the attention of the day officers on duty by calling me is about the best we can do.



6) Dupont Public Safety meeting will be at 7pm on August 21st at1620 V Street in the 3rd District headquarters.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



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