1) Meeting - Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208 - Tuesday, July 15th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenant to submit items for discussion - Lieutenant Erich Miller. Items presently for discussion:
A) Stabbing on 1700 R
B) Robberies in Borderstan
C) P Street late-night crowds
D) Burglary trend
E) Sexual Assaults breaking in the back door*
F) 1400 R Street
G) Bicyclist death
2) From Matt Rhoades’s Borderstan Updates – I have information on a new crime that occurred at 17th and R on Thursday evening. This from Officer Mike Smith, PSA 208: "Regarding the 1700 Block of R Street... Information is somewhat limited. The victim stated he was walking in the 1700 Blk of R St NW when the suspect approached him from behind. The suspect then stabbed the victim in the back. The victim stated he did not know his assailant. The suspect fled and is described as a black male approx 5'8', medium build with black pants and black shirt. There is no other information at this time."
1400-block of R Street Robbery
Regarding the robbery on Saturday night/Sunday morning of last weekend on the 1400-block of R Street: The crime occurred in the early morning hours of Sunday. No suspect(s) have been arrested at this time.
New Members of E-mail List
Information from this list was picked up by a local blogger, 14th and You, which was in turn picked up by The DC Feed. As a result, we have more than 10 new members on the list, which brings us to almost 100 residents. Please forward this message to any friend or neighbor who you believe would like to get these updates. Have them send an e-mail to borderstan@gmail.com.
PSA Contacts and Monthly PSA Meetings
- If you live in East Borderstan (east of 15th Street), your PSA 307 contact is Officer Richard Parrish. The monthly PSA 307 meeting is held the first Wednesday of the month at the Washington Plaza Hotel at 10 Thomas Circle, 7:00 p.m.
- If you live in West Borderstan (west of 15th Street), your PSA 208 contact is Officer Mike Smith. The monthly PSA 208 meeting is held the third Thursday of the month at the 3rd District headquarters at 1620 V Street, 7:00 p.m.
3) Neighborhood Watch - We have over 50 block captains, now. Please inquire with Sol Levine regarding becoming a block Captain and sign up at the Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group.
4) Map attached showing recent Borderstan Robberies (for those not on Digest Mode)
5) National Night Out – MPD and the 2nd District in particular participate in National Night Out on the evening of August 5th. This year Dupont (and I think all of 2D) is having ours on 17th Street at Church. Dave Perruzza of JRs is coordinating. (Last year we had a great turnout out on P and Hopkins). Here’s MPD’s page (but they got the Dupont address wrong – it’s not near Hopkins this year): www.mpdc.dc.gov/nno. It’s a chance for neighbors, business people, and our police to get to know each other in a big street party. More details to follow.
6) 2D MPD CAC Awards Banquet - Our own Sol Levine is an Award Winner. Second District MPD Citizens Advisory Council Awards Banquet to honor police officers and citizens in the community who have contributed to the public safety of our neighborhoods will be held at Maggiano's Little Italy, July 30, from 6:00 - 10:00 pm. Tickets are $40 each which includes a three course meal and wine or soft drinks. Sol Levine, Director of Neighborhood Watch for the Dupont Circle Area will be one of the Honorees this year. We hope you will come out to cheer him on as he is presented with his award. To purchase tickets, contact Samantha Nolan at 244-2620, or NolanTutor@Yahoo.com. You can mail your check made out to 2D MPD CAC to Samantha at 2940 Northampton Street, NW Washington, DC 20015. We hope you will come out and enjoy the evening with our Officers and Community Leaders. Chief Kathy Lanier and her Command Staff will be there to celebrate the works of our important Community Leaders.
Rob Halligan
202 319 1313
DupontForum - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DupontForum/
MPD 2D - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MPD-2d/
Lieutenant Erich Miller - Erich.Miller@dc.gov
Sol Levine - Neighborhood.Network.208@gmail.com
Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group - http://groups.google.com/group/nn208
Dupont Public Safety Blog - http://dupontpublicsafety.blogspot.com/
* Subject: Wanted Flyers in Reference to 3D Sexual Assault
Hello All,
The Sexual Offenses Unit is currently investigating a First Degree Burglary and First Degree Sexual Abuse which occurred on 7/10/08 at approximately 0400 hours at a residence in the 3300 block of 18th Street, N.W.
In this case, the suspect gained entry into the complainant's home though a rear basement door in which the complainant inadvertently left her house keys in the door lock when she returned home at approximately 2230 hours. At approximately 0400 hours, the complainant woke up from her sleep and found the suspect lying on top of her. The complainant became involved in a struggle with the suspect. During the struggle, the suspect used one of his fingers to vaginal penetrate her vagina. Afterwards, the complainant was able to push the suspect away where he ran from the bedroom and out of the residence.
On 7/11/08, at 1000 hours, the complainant responded to the Sexual Offense Unit where she sat down with the lead detective and Sergeant R. Reid for a composite interview. A composite drawing was created based on description provided by the complainant. A flyer has been made and we are going to pass it out to the public tonight in hopes of identifying the suspect. I will deliver the flyers to the 3D Watch Commander for distribution.
Lt. Pamela Burkett-Jones
Sexual Offenses Branch
Office (202)727-3700