Monday, July 20, 2009

FW: July Dupont/Kal Public Safety/PSA 208 Meeting - Location Omega


1)     On Tuesday July 21st, the Dupont/Kalorama Public Safety/PSA 208 Meeting will meet from 7 to 8:00pm at MPD Omega (big brick building in the alley between P, O, 21st and 22nd, probably upstairs, ask the staff for the police meeting room [it is probably upstairs]). Please spread the word to people who live and work in that area.


We've been trying to vary the location of the Dupont/Kalorama Public Safety Meeting every other month. Please come up with a location for the September meeting (always the 3rd Tuesday of the month, otherwise at 1620 V Street NW)) if you have some issues in a particular area.


2)     Our annual National Night Out event is set for Tuesday August 4th from 6pm to 9pm. Location is in Dupont Circle itself. Food will be provided by Circa



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


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From: Rob Halligan
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:04 PM
To: 'Mike Silverstein';
Cc:; Acting Lt. John McDonald (; Lieutenant Erich Miller (
Subject: July Dupont/Kal Public Safety/PSA 208 Meeting - Location Omega


Perry invited us to do the July 21st meeting in Omega (in the alley between P, O, 21st and 22nd, probably upstairs). MPD confirmed. We had some discussions last night about the Reimbursable Detail on P.  We can discuss whether we want to do a walk-around for the 2nd half of the meeting.


Not as many people joined us to walk 17th last night as did join us on 15th in April.


Sadly, Lt. Erich Miller has taken a job with the Feds. He's been a great asset to Dupont. Sergeant John McDonald is now our Acting Lieutenant. He's already a great asset.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



From: Mike Silverstein []
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 1:08 PM
Cc: Rob Halligan;
Subject: Re: [DupontForum] Reminder: June Dupont/Kal Public Safety/PSA 208 Meeting - Location 17th Street


With the continuing problems on P Street and the election of a new ANC Commissioner for the area, I would suggest the resource center at 9 Dupont Circle.

Mike Silverstein
Chairman, Dupont Circle ANC 2B
Commissioner, ANC 2B06

--- On Mon, 6/15/09, Rob Halligan <> wrote:

From: Rob Halligan <>
Subject: [DupontForum] Reminder: June Dupont/Kal Public Safety/PSA 208 Meeting - Location 17th Street
To: "DupontForum (" <>, "MPD-2D Yahoo Group (" <>, "Neighborhood Network (" <>
Cc: "Andrew Huff (" <>, "Francisco Fimbres (" <>, "Paul Williams (" <>
Date: Monday, June 15, 2009, 9:26 AM


We've been trying to vary the location of the Dupont/Kalorama Public Safety Meeting every other month. April's meeting at Stead Playground resulted in some good conflict resolution and DPR/DDoT help on lighting and facilities in Stead. That, again, validated the worth of moving meetings around. We get new people to come out when we move the meetings as well.


On Tuesday June 16th, we'll meet from 7 to 7:30pm at MPD 3D station (1620 V St.) and then proceed down 17th Street to P. MPD, other DC gov staff, concerned neighbors, Block Captains, and activists hope to meet up with citizens and business people on the way down 17th to learn about issues – kind of like Orange Hat patrols. (So if you live or work at 17th and P, you should plan to start looking for us at about 8:10 to 8:30 if you want to get to know your foot beat officers and their leadership.)


Please come up with a location for the August meeting (always the 3rd Tuesday of the month) if you have some issues in a particular area. We'll also be trying to pull together a National Night Out event for August 4th.



Rob Halligan

HalliganProjects. com

202 319 1313


DupontForum - http://groups. group/DupontForu m/

MPD 2D listserv - http://groups. group/MPD- 2d/

MPD 2D info - http://mpdc. cwp/view, a,1239,q, 544652,mpdcNav_ GID,1535. asp

Lieutenant Erich Miller - Erich.Miller@

Lieutenant Roland Hoyle - roland.hoyle@

Sol Levine - Neighborhood. Network.208@

Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group - http://groups.. group/nn208

Dupont Public Safety Blog - http://dupontpublic safety.blogspot. com/

Borderstan - http://borderstan. com/

Borderstan listserv - borderstan@gmail. com

Get Texts or emails notifying of crime and emergencies: http://textalert.





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