Monday, December 15, 2008

Reminder - Dupont Circle/Kal Public Safety (PSA 208) Meeting

1)     Meeting - Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208 - Tuesday, Dec 16th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor.


2)     Rooftop Burglary Trends - Since the beginning of December, the second district has experienced six (6) burglaries that involved the suspect gaining access to a residence through the rooftop.  All of these burglaries are residential and have occurred in PSA 208. These have been on the quieter residential streets. Check your roof and skylight security.


1.      Rooftop Burglary Trends

1.      All burglaries in PSA 208

2.      All residential burglaries

3.      Day time burglaries

4.      Two (2) burglaries occurred at Newport PL NW

5.      Targeting laptop computers and cameras


3)     Robbery – As is typical this time of year, gun robberies in the streets are up. Some have been resulted in citizens’ getting beaten. Be aware of your surroundings. (Don’t walk on quiet streets with head phones on…)


4)     Neighborhood Watch - We have over 50 block captains, now. Please inquire with Sol Levine regarding becoming a block Captain and sign up at the Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



DupontForum -

MPD 2D listserv -

MPD 2D info -,a,1239,q,544652,mpdcNav_GID,1535.asp

Lieutenant Erich Miller -

Lieutenant Roland Hoyle -

Sol Levine -

Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group -

Commissioner Jack N. Jacobson -

Dupont Public Safety Blog -

Borderstan -

Borderstan listserv -


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Borderstan Neighbors Public Safety Meeting

Thurs., Nov. 13: Borderstan Neighbors Public Safety Meeting

Posted by: "mattyillini"  

Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:57 pm (PST)

The next Borderstan Neighbors public safety meeting is this Thursday, November 13, at 6:30 p.m. Location is the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church at the northeast corner of 15th and R Streets NW.

This is a follow up to the first Borderstan meeting on August 6. Ward 2 Council Member Jack Evans and representatives of the Washington MPD will attend.

Remember that Borderstan is split between two MPD districts and two PSAs: West Borderstan (west of 15th Street NW) is in the Second District and PSA 208; and East Borderstan (east of 15th Street NW)is in the Third District and PSA 307.

Visit for more information and/or send an email to




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reminder - Dupont Circle/Kal Public Safety (PSA 208) Meeting

1)     Meeting - Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208 - Tuesday, Oct 21st at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor.


1.      From ANC Commissioner Jack Jacobson (among other items he wants us to discuss) – “I've invited Ed Solomon from the Georgetown ANC to attend the meeting to talk about MPD's new real-time notification service that Ed's ANC was instrumental in pushing for.  MPD announced last week they're rolling it out across the city, and Dupont would be a great place for implementation of the Community Crime Alert Program.”


2)     Neighborhood Watch - We have over 50 block captains, now. Please inquire with Sol Levine regarding becoming a block Captain and sign up at the Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group.





Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



DupontForum -

MPD 2D listserv -

MPD 2D info -,a,1239,q,544652,mpdcNav_GID,1535.asp

Lieutenant Erich Miller -

Lieutenant Roland Hoyle -

Sol Levine -

Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group -

Commissioner Jack N. Jacobson -

Dupont Public Safety Blog -

Borderstan -

Borderstan listserv -


Monday, September 15, 2008

Reminder - Dupont Circle/Kal Public Safety (PSA 208) Meeting, Switch to Listserv (no more email list), etc

1)     Meeting - Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208 - Tuesday, Sept 16th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor.


2)     Borderstan Info


·        If you live in East Borderstan (east of 15th Street), your PSA 307 contact is Officer Richard Parrish. The monthly PSA 307 meeting is held the first Wednesday of the month at the Washington Plaza Hotel at 10 Thomas Circle, 7:00 p.m.

·        If you live in West Borderstan (west of 15th Street), your PSA 208 contact is Officer Mike Smith. The monthly PSA 208 meeting is held the third Thursday of the month at the 3rd District headquarters at 1620 V Street, 7:00 p.m.

3)     Neighborhood Watch - We have over 50 block captains, now. Please inquire with Sol Levine regarding becoming a block Captain and sign up at the Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group.





Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



DupontForum -

MPD 2D listserv -

MPD 2D info -,a,1239,q,544652,mpdcNav_GID,1535.asp

Lieutenant Erich Miller -

Lieutenant Roland Hoyle -

Sol Levine -

Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group -

Commissioner Jack N. Jacobson -

Dupont Public Safety Blog -

Borderstan -

Borderstan listserv -


Monday, August 18, 2008

Reminder - Dupont Circle/Kal Public Safety (PSA 208) Meeting

Meeting - Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208 - Tuesday, August 19th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor - or email me or one of the people linked below to submit items for discussion.


Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



DupontForum -

MPD 2D listserv -

MPD 2D info -,a,1239,q,544652,mpdcNav_GID,1535.asp

Lieutenant Erich Miller -

Lieutenant Roland Hoyle -

Sol Levine -

Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group -

Commissioner Jack N. Jacobson -

Dupont Public Safety Blog -

Borderstan -

Borderstan listserv -



Monday, July 14, 2008

Reminder - Dupont Circle/Kal Public Safety (PSA 208) Meeting, Switch to Listserv (no more email list), etc

1)     Meeting - Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208 - Tuesday, July 15th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenant to submit items for discussion - Lieutenant Erich Miller. Items presently for discussion:


A)     Stabbing on 1700 R

B)     Robberies in Borderstan

C)    P Street late-night crowds

D)    Burglary trend

E)     Sexual Assaults breaking in the back door*

F)     1400 R Street

G)    Bicyclist death


2)     From Matt Rhoades’s Borderstan Updates – I have information on a new crime that occurred at 17th and R on Thursday evening. This from Officer Mike Smith, PSA 208: "Regarding the 1700 Block of R Street... Information is somewhat limited.  The victim stated he was walking in the 1700 Blk of R St NW when the suspect approached him from behind.  The suspect then stabbed the victim in the back. The victim stated he did not know his assailant. The suspect fled and is described as a black male approx 5'8', medium build with black pants and black shirt. There is no other information at this time."

1400-block of R Street Robbery

Regarding the robbery on Saturday night/Sunday morning of last weekend on the 1400-block of R Street: The crime occurred in the early morning hours of Sunday. No suspect(s) have been arrested at this time.

New Members of E-mail List

Information from this list was picked up by a local blogger, 14th and You, which was in turn picked up by The DC Feed. As a result, we have more than 10 new members on the list, which brings us to almost 100 residents. Please forward this message to any friend or neighbor who you believe would like to get these updates. Have them send an e-mail to

PSA Contacts and Monthly PSA Meetings

3)     Neighborhood Watch - We have over 50 block captains, now. Please inquire with Sol Levine regarding becoming a block Captain and sign up at the Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group.


4)     Map attached showing recent Borderstan Robberies (for those not on Digest Mode)


5)     National Night Out – MPD and the 2nd District in particular participate in National Night Out on the evening of August 5th. This year Dupont (and I think all of 2D) is having ours on 17th Street at Church. Dave Perruzza of JRs is coordinating. (Last year we had a great turnout out on P and Hopkins).  Here’s MPD’s page (but they got the Dupont address wrong – it’s not near Hopkins this year): It’s a chance for neighbors, business people, and our police to get to know each other in a big street party. More details to follow.


6)     2D MPD CAC Awards Banquet - Our own Sol Levine is an Award Winner.  Second District MPD Citizens Advisory Council Awards Banquet to honor police officers and citizens in the community who have contributed to the public safety of our neighborhoods will be held at Maggiano's Little Italy, July 30, from 6:00 - 10:00 pm.  Tickets are $40 each which includes a three course meal and wine or soft drinks.  Sol Levine, Director of Neighborhood Watch for the Dupont Circle Area will be one of the Honorees this year.  We hope you will come out to cheer him on as he is presented with his award.  To purchase tickets, contact Samantha Nolan at 244-2620, or  You can mail your check made out to 2D MPD CAC to Samantha at 2940 Northampton Street, NW Washington, DC 20015.  We hope you will come out and enjoy the evening with our Officers and Community Leaders.  Chief Kathy Lanier and her Command Staff will be there to celebrate the works of our important Community Leaders.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



DupontForum -

MPD 2D -

Lieutenant Erich Miller -

Sol Levine -

Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group -

Dupont Public Safety Blog -


* Subject: Wanted Flyers in Reference to 3D Sexual Assault

Hello All,

The Sexual Offenses Unit is currently investigating a First Degree Burglary and First Degree Sexual Abuse which occurred on 7/10/08 at approximately 0400 hours at a residence in the 3300 block of 18th Street, N.W.

In this case, the suspect gained entry into the complainant's home though a rear basement door in which the complainant inadvertently left her house keys in the door lock when she returned home at approximately 2230 hours. At approximately 0400 hours, the complainant woke up from her sleep and found the suspect lying on top of her. The complainant became involved in a struggle with the suspect. During the struggle, the suspect used one of his fingers to vaginal penetrate her vagina. Afterwards, the complainant was able to push the suspect away where he ran from the bedroom and out of the residence.

On 7/11/08, at 1000 hours, the complainant responded to the Sexual Offense Unit where she sat down with the lead detective and Sergeant R. Reid for a composite interview. A composite drawing was created based on description provided by the complainant. A flyer has been made and we are going to pass it out to the public tonight in hopes of identifying the suspect. I will deliver the flyers to the 3D Watch Commander for distribution.

Lt. Pamela Burkett-Jones
Sexual Offenses Branch
Office (202)727-3700


Friday, July 4, 2008

RE: [MPD-2d] Robberies In Borderstan Area, Sexual Assaults, and Darrell Barber out



Once again I am amazed how on top of issues in your community you are. I will pass this information to my vice, plain clothes and tactical officers working in the area.


From: [] On Behalf Of Rob Halligan
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 9:28 AM
To: DupontForum (; DupontPublicSafetyBlog Post (; MPD-2D Yahoo Group (
Cc: Miller, Erich (MPD); Hill, Francis (MPD)
Subject: [MPD-2d] Robberies In Borderstan Area, Sexual Assaults, and Darrell Barber out


1)     The 1st and second photos in this group and attached are of Darrell Barber. (Some won’t get the photos if they are not on the DupontForum.) It’s confirmed that he’s again out of prison and had been seen in Dupont. That likely means he will be knocking on doors and burglarizing those who do not answer. He’ll ask for handyman work if you do answer. I don’t yet know if it’s a violation of his parole to return the scene of his previous career.  


2)     Announcement of Sexual Assault out of Dupont/Kal but newsworthy:


June 26, 2008

Sexual Assault Suspect Sought

The Metropolitan Police Department is currently investigating several sexual assaults in the Second District that may be related.

·    The first incident occurred on May 16, 2008 in the 2400 block of Huidekoper Place, NW

·    The second incident occurred on May 25, 2008 in the 3000 block of Newark Street, NW

·    The third incident occurred on June 26, 2008 in the 2400 block of Tunlaw Road, NW.

In each case a female victim was awakened in the early morning hours by an unknown male suspect who gained entry to their residence by unknown means.  The suspect has either attempted or has sexually assaulted the victims. 

The suspect in each case is described as a white or Hispanic male, approximately 5'10” - 6'0” in height, with a medium build, wearing dark colored pants and a collared shirt.

Anyone with information about any of these cases is asked to call police at (202) 727-9099 or 1-888-919-CRIM[E].  Confidential information may be also forwarded to the department’s TEXT TIP LINE by the text messaging 50411.


3)     See Matt Rhoades’ good work below.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



From: Border Stan []
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:00 AM
Subject: Be EXTRA CAREFUL Right Now: Increase in Robberies In Borderstan Area


Dear Borderstanians,

I received this e-mail from Officer Mike Smith last evening and, by chance, ran into him around 10 p.m. last night as I was walking the dog. Please read Officer Smith's e-mail, below. He wanted me to emphasize to Borderstan residents right now that everyone should be extra careful in the evenings on our local streets. Officer Smith told me that crime this week has already shot up by 177% over last week. If you have any questions, please contact your PSA officer:

Keep your eyes open... be aware of what is going on around you... be careful getting in and out of your car.

-- Matt Rhoades





Just wanted to let you know that there has been more robberies in the area since my last email. One in particular was unusually violent in that one victim was possibly pistol-whipped during the robbery.  That incident occured early Sunday morning at approximately 4 am at the corner of 15th and Church Sts NW.  The victims had just parked their car when the suspect approached and asked the driver for directions.  Suspect # 1, described as a black male approximately 5'7" with a thin build, short afro hairstyle then punched the driver in the face demanding money.  The driver was able to exit the car pursued by Suspect #1 who continued to strike the victim, then he produced a black handgun, striking the victim again.  The second suspect was described as a light skinned black male or hispanic male approximately 5'9" with a stocky build.  His hairstyle was described as somewhat unique as it was described as long black hair pulled back into a knot, th en the hair below the knot appeared to be braided.  Suspect #2 held the second victim at gunpoint as victim #1 was robbed.  Both suspects fled on foot on Church St towards 16th St.


Also to let you know I did arrest one suspect for attempted armed robbery at the corner of 15th St and Q St on Friday night at approximately 10:15 PM.  This suspect approached two pedestrians and produced a box cutter and attempted to rob them but they were able to flag down a patrol car and the suspect was immediately arrested.


Robberies are occuring on both the 2D and 3D sides primarily between 14th and 16th Streets, mostly between R and U Streets.  I have been working with the 2D detectives office to see if we can identify the suspects.  Crime over the last 7 days is up over 170% from the same period last year (18 crimes vs. 6 criimes a year ago).


I will keep you updated if more information becomes available.  You can disseminate this email and the information as needed.


Ofc M. Smith/2nd District





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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Robberies In Borderstan Area, Sexual Assaults, and Darrell Barber out

1)     The 1st and second photos in this group and attached are of Darrell Barber. (Some won’t get the photos if they are on digest version and not on the DupontForum.) It’s confirmed that he’s again out of prison and had been seen in Dupont. That likely means he will be knocking on doors and burglarizing those who do not answer. He’ll ask for handyman work if you do answer. I don’t yet know if it’s a violation of his parole to return the scene of his previous career.  


2)     Announcement of Sexual Assault out of Dupont/Kal but newsworthy:


June 26, 2008

Sexual Assault Suspect Sought

The Metropolitan Police Department is currently investigating several sexual assaults in the Second District that may be related.

·    The first incident occurred on May 16, 2008 in the 2400 block of Huidekoper Place, NW. 

·    The second incident occurred on May 25, 2008 in the 3000 block of Newark Street, NW. 

·    The third incident occurred on June 26, 2008 in the 2400 block of Tunlaw Road, NW.

In each case a female victim was awakened in the early morning hours by an unknown male suspect who gained entry to their residence by unknown means.  The suspect has either attempted or has sexually assaulted the victims. 

The suspect in each case is described as a white or Hispanic male, approximately 5'10” - 6'0” in height, with a medium build, wearing dark colored pants and a collared shirt.

Anyone with information about any of these cases is asked to call police at (202) 727-9099 or 1-888-919-CRIM[E].  Confidential information may be also forwarded to the department’s TEXT TIP LINE by the text messaging 50411.


3)     See Matt Rhoades’ good work below.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



From: Border Stan []
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:00 AM
Subject: Be EXTRA CAREFUL Right Now: Increase in Robberies In Borderstan Area


Dear Borderstanians,

I received this e-mail from Officer Mike Smith last evening and, by chance, ran into him around 10 p.m. last night as I was walking the dog. Please read Officer Smith's e-mail, below. He wanted me to emphasize to Borderstan residents right now that everyone should be extra careful in the evenings on our local streets. Officer Smith told me that crime this week has already shot up by 177% over last week. If you have any questions, please contact your PSA officer:

Keep your eyes open... be aware of what is going on around you... be careful getting in and out of your car.

-- Matt Rhoades





Just wanted to let you know that there has been more robberies in the area since my last email. One in particular was unusually violent in that one victim was possibly pistol-whipped during the robbery.  That incident occured early Sunday morning at approximately 4 am at the corner of 15th and Church Sts NW.  The victims had just parked their car when the suspect approached and asked the driver for directions.  Suspect # 1, described as a black male approximately 5'7" with a thin build, short afro hairstyle then punched the driver in the face demanding money.  The driver was able to exit the car pursued by Suspect #1 who continued to strike the victim, then he produced a black handgun, striking the victim again.  The second suspect was described as a light skinned black male or hispanic male approximately 5'9" with a stocky build.  His hairstyle was described as somewhat unique as it was described as long black hair pulled back into a knot, th en the hair below the knot appeared to be braided.  Suspect #2 held the second victim at gunpoint as victim #1 was robbed.  Both suspects fled on foot on Church St towards 16th St.


Also to let you know I did arrest one suspect for attempted armed robbery at the corner of 15th St and Q St on Friday night at approximately 10:15 PM.  This suspect approached two pedestrians and produced a box cutter and attempted to rob them but they were able to flag down a patrol car and the suspect was immediately arrested.


Robberies are occuring on both the 2D and 3D sides primarily between 14th and 16th Streets, mostly between R and U Streets.  I have been working with the 2D detectives office to see if we can identify the suspects.  Crime over the last 7 days is up over 170% from the same period last year (18 crimes vs. 6 criimes a year ago).


I will keep you updated if more information becomes available.  You can disseminate this email and the information as needed.


Ofc M. Smith/2nd District



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Reminder - Dupont Circle/Kal Public Safety (PSA 208) Meeting - Tuesday Night

1)     Meeting - Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208


Tuesday, June 17th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Sorry for the late reminder (especially to those who get the listservs from digest mode).


Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenant to submit items for discussion - Lieutenant Erich Miller. Items presently for discussion:


P Street late-night crowds, discussion about meeting next week at Omega on the topic


2)     We have over 50 block captains, now. Please inquire with Sol Levine regarding becoming a block Captain and sign up at the Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



DupontForum -

MPD 2D -

Lieutenant Erich Miller -

Sol Levine -

Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group -

Dupont Public Safety Blog -


Monday, May 19, 2008

Reminder - Dupont Circle/Kal Public Safety (PSA 208) Meeting, Switch to Listserv (no more email list), etc

1)     Meeting - Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208


Tuesday, May 20th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenant to submit items for discussion - Lieutenant Erich Miller. Items presently for discussion:


A)     Aggressive panhandling

B)     P Street late-night crowds

C)    Burglary trend

D)    1400 R Street


2)     Crime trends from Lt. Miller


There were two significant robbery arrests in the last 2 1/2 weeks.  The first robbery arrest was made on 4/26/08 in reference to the commercial parking garage robberies.  Arrested was Lawrence Kelly Baker (43 yrs).  He is believed to be responsible for 9 robberies in PSA 208 this year.  He is currently being held until trial.  The second robbery arrest was made yesterday (May 12).  Arrested was Mark Stublefield, 53years of age.  He is believed responsible for 9 bank robberies in PSA 208 this year.  He is currently being held and has been positively identified in 3 bank robberies so far.  These two arrests are significant because together these two individuals account for 31% percent of PSA 208's robberies this year.


A burglary pattern has developed in the Borderstan and west to 18th St area.  The burglaries occur generally between 0900-1700 hours.  The m.o. is to make entry by kicking in a rear door or window. Almost all the burglaries involved taking laptop computers.  Officers are increasing alley patrols and surveys during the day hours and are stopping and identifying people that don't appear to be residents.  If you could relay to people at the meeting to please record the serial numbers of computers and electronic equipment. If a theft or burglary occurs, we track pawn shop transactions utilizing the serial numbers.  It is very valuable investigative information and we have closed many cases tracking pawn shop transactions. So far in May the burglaries have occurred at:


A)     1728 Swan St--Taken Laptop Computers, TV

B)     1838 16th St.--Taken Mountain Bike

C)    2000 Mass (Commercial Burglary)--Taken Copper Piping

D)    1500 Mass--Taken Comcast Cable TV box and modem

E)     1535 T St--Taken H/P Computer, Bose Speakers, Bicycle

F)     1915 16th St--Taken Laptop Computer, Speakers, Digital Camera


22nd & P: You can announce that we can discuss this at the PSA meeting.  Two primary ideas emerged.  The first will be for MPD to close down P Street between 21st and 22nd Street to vehicular traffic at club let out time.  The goal is to see if we can disperse crowds quicker.  This has worked at other locations.  The second idea is to increase the presence of the ABRA reimbursable detail to perhaps 4 or 5 officers to manage 22nd and P more effectively.  We'll see if this works.  I'm not sure if we'll ever be able to make everyone happy short of shutting down business activity on the street.  The incident you inquired about a couple of weeks ago must have looked more dramatic than it was.  Sgt Phillips requested assistance breaking up a fight.  Numerous MPD scout cars arrived in dramatic fashion.  It might have given an impression of an out of control incident but it was not. 


3)     1400 R Shooting info from Matt Rhoades


We received several e-mails and phone calls from neighbors, wanting to know about the gunshots they heard early Saturday morning, May 17. The following information is from Officer Richard Parrish, part of the Borderstan patrol in PSA 307 (east of 15th Street). Here is information on the early-Saturday-morning shootings on R Street:


A)     The shooting on early Saturday morning occurred between the buildings of 1424 and 1428 R Street.

B)     Two people were shot. Apparently, one of the individuals who were shot was not involved in the incident, but simply happened to be on the block at the time. He suffered a minor injury.

C)    The other individual who was shot, was the intended target because he apparently had an argument just hours earlier with the shooter. He is also expected to recover.

D)    According to officers that were on the scene, the shooting took place on the sidewalk between the buildings on R Street. However, after the victim was shot, he ran up to the area of 14th and T Street, before he collapsed.

E)     Both the shooter and the intended victim do live in the apartment buildings on the 1400 block of R Street. The shooter was arrested later in the day coming out of his apartment building, without further incident. 


4)     Contrary to rumor, all indications are that the death on the1400 block of T was due to natural causes. That’s separate from the above.


5)     Email List


From here on out, we’re just going to send these notices to the DupontForum and the MPD 2D listservs. I started this list before Yahoo and Google Groups got popular. They are far easier to maintain and very easy to sign up for. My ISP no longer allowing emails with more than 50 recipients is another reason to use a listserv. You need to get a Yahoo ID but don’t need to receive any email to that address. The MPD 2D listserv is crime-specific and not as active as the DupontForum. (Set your membership to Daily Digest if you want less email.)


6)     We have over 50 block captains, now. Please inquire with Sol Levine regarding becoming a block Captain and sign up at the Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



DupontForum -

MPD 2D -

Lieutenant Erich Miller -

Sol Levine -

Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group -


Monday, April 14, 2008

One-Time Location Change for Dupont Public Safety/PSA 208 Meeting, Commander Change, email to listserv


1)     The Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208 Meeting is having its regular meeting at a different site as it occasionally does. The organizers of what we call Borderstan have offered to have the meeting at Julie Pock’s house. Previous off-site meetings have been very productive.

What: The April PSA 208 / Dupont public safety meeting is being held in Borderstan this

When: Tuesday, April 15, at 7 p.m.

Where: Location is 1513 Corcoran Street NW. Borderstanian Julie Pock -- one of the Borderstan founders -- is hosting the monthly meeting at her home.

Residents of East Borderstan/PSA 307 (east of 15th Street) are invited to attend; officers from PSA 307 have also been invited.


<<I am writing to invite you all to the April 15th PSA 208 Community Meeting which is being held at my home at 1513 Corcoran St. NW.  It was my thought (along with Lt. Dignan) that moving the meeting location might increase community attendance and provide a welcome change of venue for those of you who are used to the meeting being held at the 3D HQ.  

I am inviting officers from PSA 307 to attend since I am part of the Borderstan community and keeping communication between PSA 307 and PSA 208 flowing is a very high priority for us here in the neighborhood.

All of the usual agenda items for a community meeting will still take place, with the addition of some (hopefully) increased community attendance.

Please mark your calendar and I hope to see you on the 15th!

Julie Pock
1513 Corcoran St NW
(202) 230-4896>>


2)     Message from our out-going  MPD  Commander, Andy Solberg

Effective today, Chief Lanier has reassigned me from Commander of the Second District to the position of Field Commander.  This move will entail me being more directly involved with patrol police work across the city.


I was assigned to the Second District as your commander on April 7, 2006, and in the past two years the support and encouragement you have given to our officers here at 2D has been tremendous.  You have often, in person, on email, in letters and cards and in the media, provided praise for an outstanding group of officers who serve you selflessly and without expectation of reward beyond that service.


At the same time, you told us when we were wrong, when we screwed up, when we got it backwards or upside down or did not meet your demands of police work of the highest quality. 


The community needs to continue to demand the best possible service from us.  I am convinced the MPD will continue to get stronger and better as the people who live here, and those who work in and visit the city, settle for nothing but top notch police service.  You should remain relentless in your expectation of perfect police response in every instance.


There many too many of you to thank personally, so I thank all of you for contributing to our efforts to make your neighborhoods and communities safe.  Please continue to support the men and women who work at 2D and we’ll continue to aim to do a perfect job.


Andy Solberg



3)     Bio of our in-coming Acting Commander, Mark V. Carter Sr.

Acting Commander Mark V. Carter Sr. was appointed to the Metropolitan Police Department in October 1983. He began his career as a patrol officer in the Third District. He was promoted to Sergeant and assigned to the Fifth District in 1991. In 1997 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. In 2007, he was promoted to Captain and assigned to serve in his current capacity as the Deputy Director of the Maurice T. Turner, Jr. Metropolitan Police Academy.

In addition, Acting Commander Carter has served in the Second District, the Regional Operations Command, the Office of Support Services, the Community Empowerment Policing Office, the Acting Director of Fleet Services Division, and as the branch commander of the Special Events Planning Unit of the Homeland Security and Special Operations Division.


In April 2008, Chief Cathy L. Lanier selected Acting Commander Carter to serve as the Commanding Officer of the Second District. In this capacity he will be responsible for the day to day operations and delivery of police services to the diverse business and residential community in the Second District.

Acting Commander Carter has attended Howard University and has completed a myriad of training in leadership development, tactical command and emergency operations. In May 2007, because of his experience and expertise in planning, he was selected by the US Military to attend an international conference in Guatemala as a subject matter expert in special event and emergency operations. In December 2006, Carter was awarded the departmental achievement for exemplary service. He is also a certified hazmat technician and a member of the departmental bio-chemical response team.


4)     I send these notices to the DupontForum. Many of you get this notice twice. It’s much easier to let Yahoo manage the email list than manage this separate list that I started before Yahoo and Google groups got big. I’d like to migrate people off this list on to that one. If you are not on the DupontForum and don’t want to be, please reply. I’m going to stop sending separately to people who don’t reply that they really don’t want to be on the DupontForum. You don’t need to get the emails to a yahoo address but do need a yahoo sign-on.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


Please use for personal mail, political, and business email. A new person will be getting mail to after May 5th.