Monday, April 14, 2008

One-Time Location Change for Dupont Public Safety/PSA 208 Meeting, Commander Change, email to listserv


1)     The Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208 Meeting is having its regular meeting at a different site as it occasionally does. The organizers of what we call Borderstan have offered to have the meeting at Julie Pock’s house. Previous off-site meetings have been very productive.

What: The April PSA 208 / Dupont public safety meeting is being held in Borderstan this

When: Tuesday, April 15, at 7 p.m.

Where: Location is 1513 Corcoran Street NW. Borderstanian Julie Pock -- one of the Borderstan founders -- is hosting the monthly meeting at her home.

Residents of East Borderstan/PSA 307 (east of 15th Street) are invited to attend; officers from PSA 307 have also been invited.


<<I am writing to invite you all to the April 15th PSA 208 Community Meeting which is being held at my home at 1513 Corcoran St. NW.  It was my thought (along with Lt. Dignan) that moving the meeting location might increase community attendance and provide a welcome change of venue for those of you who are used to the meeting being held at the 3D HQ.  

I am inviting officers from PSA 307 to attend since I am part of the Borderstan community and keeping communication between PSA 307 and PSA 208 flowing is a very high priority for us here in the neighborhood.

All of the usual agenda items for a community meeting will still take place, with the addition of some (hopefully) increased community attendance.

Please mark your calendar and I hope to see you on the 15th!

Julie Pock
1513 Corcoran St NW
(202) 230-4896>>


2)     Message from our out-going  MPD  Commander, Andy Solberg

Effective today, Chief Lanier has reassigned me from Commander of the Second District to the position of Field Commander.  This move will entail me being more directly involved with patrol police work across the city.


I was assigned to the Second District as your commander on April 7, 2006, and in the past two years the support and encouragement you have given to our officers here at 2D has been tremendous.  You have often, in person, on email, in letters and cards and in the media, provided praise for an outstanding group of officers who serve you selflessly and without expectation of reward beyond that service.


At the same time, you told us when we were wrong, when we screwed up, when we got it backwards or upside down or did not meet your demands of police work of the highest quality. 


The community needs to continue to demand the best possible service from us.  I am convinced the MPD will continue to get stronger and better as the people who live here, and those who work in and visit the city, settle for nothing but top notch police service.  You should remain relentless in your expectation of perfect police response in every instance.


There many too many of you to thank personally, so I thank all of you for contributing to our efforts to make your neighborhoods and communities safe.  Please continue to support the men and women who work at 2D and we’ll continue to aim to do a perfect job.


Andy Solberg



3)     Bio of our in-coming Acting Commander, Mark V. Carter Sr.

Acting Commander Mark V. Carter Sr. was appointed to the Metropolitan Police Department in October 1983. He began his career as a patrol officer in the Third District. He was promoted to Sergeant and assigned to the Fifth District in 1991. In 1997 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. In 2007, he was promoted to Captain and assigned to serve in his current capacity as the Deputy Director of the Maurice T. Turner, Jr. Metropolitan Police Academy.

In addition, Acting Commander Carter has served in the Second District, the Regional Operations Command, the Office of Support Services, the Community Empowerment Policing Office, the Acting Director of Fleet Services Division, and as the branch commander of the Special Events Planning Unit of the Homeland Security and Special Operations Division.


In April 2008, Chief Cathy L. Lanier selected Acting Commander Carter to serve as the Commanding Officer of the Second District. In this capacity he will be responsible for the day to day operations and delivery of police services to the diverse business and residential community in the Second District.

Acting Commander Carter has attended Howard University and has completed a myriad of training in leadership development, tactical command and emergency operations. In May 2007, because of his experience and expertise in planning, he was selected by the US Military to attend an international conference in Guatemala as a subject matter expert in special event and emergency operations. In December 2006, Carter was awarded the departmental achievement for exemplary service. He is also a certified hazmat technician and a member of the departmental bio-chemical response team.


4)     I send these notices to the DupontForum. Many of you get this notice twice. It’s much easier to let Yahoo manage the email list than manage this separate list that I started before Yahoo and Google groups got big. I’d like to migrate people off this list on to that one. If you are not on the DupontForum and don’t want to be, please reply. I’m going to stop sending separately to people who don’t reply that they really don’t want to be on the DupontForum. You don’t need to get the emails to a yahoo address but do need a yahoo sign-on.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


Please use for personal mail, political, and business email. A new person will be getting mail to after May 5th.