Friday, June 24, 2011

Sentences in Cases We Submitted Community Impact Statements

1)Wayne Bridgeforth was sentenced to 4 years plus 1 year for his parole violation. 5 years is very good in that he’s received 1 to 2 years for previous similar crimes. We had 5 Community Impact Statements (last I heard). I went down to the sentencing hearing to testify this morning.


2) Craven Kemp got 22 months. He admitted to 12 burglaries. We got in 4 or 5 Community Impact Statements. I can’t say I find that as just; that’s less than 2 months per burglary. He does have a shorter record of convictions.


Thanks to the community members who allowed MPD to set up a sting operation in their house. Thanks to MPD for that effort and the rest of their efforts. Thanks to US Attorneys Anita LaRue and Stephan Rickard their efforts – especially in working with the Community Impact Statements.  Thanks to CM Phil Mendelson for passing a provision in the last Omnibus Crime Act that allows continued minor offenses to be prosecuted as felonies.  Lastly, many  thanks to all those who wrote Community Impact Statements.


If you ever think dramatizations of court room scenes capture the real life drama, head to a  sentencing hearings room next time you get called for jury duty. MPD makes over 50,000 arrest a year. That 15 minute sentencing hearing on the conveyer belt of justice is real drama particularly in the moments the judge hands down that sentence and the moment the convicted is lead off to jail.


Rob Halligan
202 319 1313
(Landline - no texting. Forwards to cell.)


Thursday, June 16, 2011

3 Reminders - PSA Venue Change, Re-Districting Meeting, Com Impacts

Tuesday – PSA Meeting in Conn/M Club Zone. June 21 at the Palladium Condominium, 1325 18th St. NW, Top Floor Community Room (between Mass Ave and N Street). We’re happy to have the meeting there in light of continuing issues with the Connecticut and M club zone. See Below.


Wed – 2D CAC Meeting with Chief Lanier to discuss PSA and District Border Changes.  June 22 Second District Station, 3320 Idaho Avenue, NW, that’s behind the Wisconsin Ave Giant, 7 pm. I met with Chief Lanier last week. Seems she wants to see strong community interest if we are to modify the proposal that splits Dupont and 17th Street into 2 different districts.  Please show up; if you are representing a group, please make that clear.


Tomorrow (Friday) – Requested last day to get US Attorney LaRue Community Impact Statements on the Wayne Bridgeforth case. His sentencing hearing is the 24th. Keep in mind that these are separate from Victim Impact Statements. These letters can/should be about how his crimes affect the community in general.



Rob Halligan
202 319 1313
(Landline - no texting. Forwards to cell.)


From: Rob Halligan []
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 10:02 AM
To: DupontForum (
Subject: June Dupont/Kal Public Safety/PSA 208 Meeting - Venue Change Reminder


When we can, we like to move the monthly Public Safety Meeting around to different venues. That tends to draw new people out and makes for a good meeting.


June 21 at the Palladium Condominium, 1325 18th St. NW, Top Floor Community Room (between Mass Ave and N Street). We’re happy to have the meeting down there in light of continuing issues with the Connecticut and M club zone.


We’ll meet from 7 to 8:00pm These are held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues. Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. If you can’t make it, please convey your issue to someone who will be attending.



DupontForum -

MPD 2D listserv -

MPD 2D info -,a,1239,q,544652,mpdcNav_GID,1535.asp

Lieutenant Scott Dignan (

Sol Levine -

Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group -

Dupont Public Safety Blog -

Borderstan -

Borderstan listserv -

Get Texts or emails notifying of crime and emergencies:


Rob Halligan
202 319 1313


Monday, June 13, 2011

Plea For Letters to the Judge - WAYNE BRIDGEFORTH, Case 2011 CF2 000397

I’ve written quite a few times about Wayne Bridgeforth’s serial criminal behavior. He’s a poster child for the dysfunctionality of our criminal justice system. It seems like he prefers prison to freedom; a few months after he gets out, he’s always back in. This is one guy who makes me wish we had a 3 (or 30) strikes you’re out law. (I’ve personally gotten him arrested about 6 times and did get a provision in the last ominous crime act that is supposed to allow for more serious sentences for chronic offenders.) Well, he’s up for sentencing again on June 24th. The US Attorney would like Community Impact Statements by this Friday the 17th.

You can check Wayne Bridgeforth’s record and the present case against him by going to:, Court Cases Online, from that search page you can input his name in the search field. You can see his entire record of 35 convictions and 31 more that are under Wayne Bridgeford that I hear are his as well.

Attached is a Community Impact Statement form. You address how his crimes affect your community. If your saw disappeared from your parking spot while you went in the house for a second, it was likely Wayne who stole it. If someone broke your car window to steal the CDs from under your seat it could have been Wayne. If your mail was stolen it could have been Wayne. If a package was stolen from your stoop…I’ve witnessed him perpetrate all of these crimes – some of them several times.

The US Attorney’s Office is again asking for the community’s help on some cases. I understand we got 4 Community Impact Statements on the Craven Kemp case. 5 years ago when the US Attorney’s Office was working with us to Community Impact Statements we got 20 on a few cases. I’d love to see 20 on this Bridgeforth case. Please take the time to show that judge that we don’t want this guy back on our streets in 13 months. Just take a few minutes to look at his record, realize most of those convictions were after he got away with similar crimes for a couple months before he was caught again, and realize that almost all of them were in the Dupont blocks from 1400 east to 2000 on the west.

Please send a Community Impact Statement by Friday to US Attorney Anita LaRue ( .

Rob Halligan
202 319 1313

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Friday, June 10, 2011

RE: MPD Re-Districting Meeting Thursday Night

Anyone go to the meeting? If so, did you hear any better rationalizations than in the attached?  Proposed map is also in the attached. It splits the 17th Street corridor north to south, the ward, and several ANC SMDs into different districts.


I couldn’t make the meeting. Below are my talking points:


Move of PSA 306 to PSA 208 (3D to 2D)  - went well

We like the present Ward, ANC, PSA cohesion


Dupont used to be have parts of 5 PSAs

Proposed border change affects 7 ANC SMDs

We're concerned about MPD/citizen communication going forward

No one wants to go back to 3D

Radio bandwidth was reason to move us to 2D

Want to hear the rationalization:


208 too big?

No more Super PSAs?

2D overburdened?

Response time?


U Street pressures?

Econ Dev?


Does the proposal do anything to solve the 1400 Q structural Borderstan issue?

Proposal  cuts 17th Street district in half

If need to shrink 208, consider

Cut it residential and business as last proposed

Move Kalorama-Sheridan

Why not split but keep new PSA in 2D


The 2D meeting (we are presently all in 2D) to discuss proposed changes will be June 22.


Rob Halligan
202 319 1313

From: Rob Halligan []
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 8:56 AM
To: DupontForum (
Subject: MPD Re-Districting Meeting Thursday Night


MPD will propose moving the policing borders Thursday night at the meeting below. From what I can surmise, MPD wants to move everything east of 18th and north of Q to the 3rd District. All of Dupont is now part of the 2nd District. That splits 17th Street.


MPD and the community worked to together very successfully when changing the borders about 7 years ago, and I have no reason to believe can’t work together to make everybody happy on this re-districting effort. I’ll have more info later today on the proposal and its rationalizations. The 2D meeting to discuss changes will be June 22.


Rob Halligan
202 319 1313
(Landline - no texting. Forwards to cell.)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: cac_3d <>
Date: Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 5:42 PM
Subject: [U Street News] Third District CAC SPECIAL MEETING





WHEN:          Thursday, June 9, 2011


WHERE:        3rd District Headquarters - 1620 V Street, NW


TIME:             7:00 p.m. 


I.                   Call to Order –            StanleyJ. Mayes, Chairman, 
Third District Citizens Advisory Council


II.                Commander'sReport –  Jacob Kishter, Commander

                                                            Third District MPD


III.              Guest Speaker–              Chief Cathy Lanier

                                                            Metropolitan Police Department

                                                            Chief Lanier will "discuss plans for realigning the Third District"


V.               Adjournment


Important Note – Membership Dues for 2011are due immediately.

$5.00 - general membership                  $3.00 - senior citizens (60 years andolder)

$3.00 - student (16 years or older)


** Please share this notice with your neighbors and friends in theThird District.






Recent Activity:

·         New Members 8

U Street News is a project of the U Street Neighborhood Association -– Join Today! Visit

Matt Rhoades
Borderstan: Dupont-Logan-U Street
Facebook / Twitter / Flickr
1626 15th Street NW, #101
Washington, DC 20009
Home & Fax 202-265-3742
Cell 202-697-1695

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

MPD Re-Districting Meeting Thursday Night

MPD will propose moving the policing borders Thursday night at the meeting below. From what I can surmise, MPD wants to move everything east of 18th and north of Q to the 3rd District. All of Dupont is now part of the 2nd District. That splits 17th Street.


MPD and the community worked to together very successfully when changing the borders about 7 years ago, and I have no reason to believe can’t work together to make everybody happy on this re-districting effort. I’ll have more info later today on the proposal and its rationalizations. The 2D meeting to discuss changes will be June 22.


Rob Halligan
202 319 1313
(Landline - no texting. Forwards to cell.)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: cac_3d <>
Date: Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 5:42 PM
Subject: [U Street News] Third District CAC SPECIAL MEETING





WHEN:          Thursday, June 9, 2011


WHERE:        3rd District Headquarters - 1620 V Street, NW


TIME:             7:00 p.m. 


I.                   Call to Order –            StanleyJ. Mayes, Chairman, 
Third District Citizens Advisory Council


II.                Commander'sReport –  Jacob Kishter, Commander

                                                            Third District MPD


III.              Guest Speaker–              Chief Cathy Lanier

                                                            Metropolitan Police Department

                                                            Chief Lanier will "discuss plans for realigning the Third District"


V.               Adjournment


Important Note – Membership Dues for 2011are due immediately.

$5.00 - general membership                  $3.00 - senior citizens (60 years andolder)

$3.00 - student (16 years or older)


** Please share this notice with your neighbors and friends in theThird District.






Recent Activity:

·         New Members 8

U Street News is a project of the U Street Neighborhood Association -– Join Today! Visit

Matt Rhoades
Borderstan: Dupont-Logan-U Street
Facebook / Twitter / Flickr
1626 15th Street NW, #101
Washington, DC 20009
Home & Fax 202-265-3742
Cell 202-697-1695

June Dupont/Kal Public Safety/PSA 208 Meeting - Venue Change Reminder

When we can, we like to move the monthly Public Safety Meeting around to different venues. That tends to draw new people out and makes for a good meeting.


June 21 at the Palladium Condominium, 1325 18th St. NW, Top Floor Community Room (between Mass Ave and N Street). We’re happy to have the meeting down there in light of continuing issues with the Connecticut and M club zone.


We’ll meet from 7 to 8:00pm These are held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues. Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. If you can’t make it, please convey your issue to someone who will be attending.



DupontForum -

MPD 2D listserv -

MPD 2D info -,a,1239,q,544652,mpdcNav_GID,1535.asp

Lieutenant Scott Dignan (

Sol Levine -

Neighborhood Network 208 Google Group -

Dupont Public Safety Blog -

Borderstan -

Borderstan listserv -

Get Texts or emails notifying of crime and emergencies:


Rob Halligan
202 319 1313