Monday, December 17, 2007

Public Safety Meeting, Block Captains, Robberies, and Chief coming to Dupont



1)     Reminder: Dupont Public Safety Meeting

Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 208 is Tuesday December 18th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion.


2)     Wanted:  Block Captains

To boost crime prevention in our patrol area, a Neighborhood Network is being organized to establish a two-way communication tree between Dupont residents and 2nd District Headquarters. These neighborhood watch groups are more popular in the 2nd District than in the 3rd District that we just left.  And as residents, we must do more to be aware of information about crimes and crime sprees in a timely manner. We also would do well by making our police more aware of our issues.


The aim is to have a Block Captain on every block and in every apartment building in PSA 208. The task of a Block Captain is to be in communication with as many people as possible on your block or in your apartment building and to know who might need help in an evacuation in a fire or other emergency. Block Captains will be kept informed by Lt. Scott Dignan and through the Neighborhood Network Coordinator, Sol Levine.  For information flow in the other direction, residents should contact their Block Captain when they see something suspicious or have a concern.


The more information that is shared, the less likely you will become a victim of a crime. Of course, call 911/311 if you see something going on. Our MPD leadership can push staffing into areas where it is most needed by getting this intelligence. There are plenty of police in our PSA - good men and women dedicated to preventing and responding to crime. They are reaching out to get to know us. The Neighborhood Network is our end of the bargain and for our own well-being.


Block Captains will be trained by Samantha Nolan, who has established hundreds of neighborhood watch operations in her career.  There are some things we can do right off the bat. The training schedule with Samantha will be established as we have enough volunteers to get started.


If you are interested in being a block captain, please attend meeting above or respond to Sol Levine by e-mail:


3)     Robberies There have been more gun robberies of people walking Dupont at night than usual. Statistics for robbery are up. There’s only so much you can do to combat this besides being aware, travelling in groups when possible, and calling 311 when you see someone suspicious.  All police calls for service will shortly be requested to go to 911, but for now call 311 if a crime is not in progress.


4)     The Dupont Circle Citizens Association is having MPD Chief Lanier and NPS Captain Neider to our January 7th meeting at 7:30. In truth we  may get more people at that meeting to see the building where we’re holding it. The interior of the Belmont Mansion at 18th, New Hampshire, and R Streets is worth getting yourself out on a cold January evening to see.






Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


Sorry, if you get similar info from Sol and from Matt.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wanted, Block Captains; Public Safety Meeting; Survey; and, Muggings

1)     Wanted:  Block Captains

To boost crime prevention in our patrol area, a Neighborhood Network is being organized to establish a two-way communication tree between Dupont residents and 2nd District Headquarters. These neighborhood watch groups are more popular in the 2nd District than in the 3rd District that we just left.  And as residents, we must do more to be aware of information about crimes and crime sprees in a timely manner. We also would do well by making our police more aware of our issues.


Violent and so-called lifestyle crime is a problem in our patrol area. Comparing the crime stats for Dupont, Capitol Hill, and Georgetown, we have the highest crime rate by far. Some recent examples close to home:  about 10 burglaries occurred in large building in one week before apartment building residents and managers were made aware of the spree; a prostitute and a crack dealer were doing their business recently in an alley off 16th St. (This scene was well-documented in photos by a neighbor - and picked up by blogs around the world); a robbery of all the workers at a construction site at 14th and T with a AK-47. Our best defense is awareness and a free flow of information.


The aim is to have a Block Captain on every block and in every apartment building in PSA 208. The task of a Block Captain is to be in communication with as many people as possible on your block or in your apartment building and to know who might need help in an evacuation in a fire or other emergency. Block Captains will be kept informed by Lt. Scott Dignan and through the Neighborhood Network Coordinator, Sol Levine.  For information flow in the other direction, residents should contact their Block Captain when they see something suspicious or have a concern.


The more information that is shared, the less likely you will become a victim of a crime. Of course, call 911/311 if you see something going on. Our MPD leadership can push staffing into areas where it is most needed by getting this intelligence. There are plenty of police in our PSA - good men and women dedicated to preventing and responding to crime. They are reaching out to get to know us. The Neighborhood Network is our end of the bargain and for our own well-being.


Block Captains will be trained by Samantha Nolan, who has established hundreds of neighborhood watch operations in her career.  There are some things we can do right off the bat. The training schedule with Samantha will be established as we have enough volunteers to get started.


If you are interested in being a block captain, please attend meeting below or respond to Sol Levine by e-mail:



2)     Reminder - Dupont Public Safety Meeting

Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday November 20th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues and still in the 3D building even though our police work out of 2D.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion.


Think about bringing an at-risk kid who might benefit from positive communications with police.


3)     Survey Regarding PSA Change

The "PSA 208 Speaks: Neighborhood Survey" is now available under the Files section of the 2D Listserv (, the DupontForum, or is attached. Residents of Police Service Area 208 are invited to download and complete the survey and return it to the Second or Third District stations by November 25, 2007.

You can also obtain copies of the survey at 2D and 3D station or by visiting Click on the link to the survey to download the survey (in Adobe PDF format). Questions about the survey can be directed to Lt. Scott Dignan (PSA208) at (202) 730-1904. (The survey document is also on if your listserv stripped the attachment)


4)     Look out

Late last Saturday night/early Sunday morning, two armed robberies occurred on 17th Street, in the 1900 block.  2D Lt. Scott Dignan says that he has reason to believe that the crimes were committed by the same two individuals, and that because of their success in the area, will probably strike again. 


Both were armed with handguns, in one instance robbing a group of three people, the other a single victim.  Both robberies occurred at about 2:30am Sunday morning.  None of the victims were injured.


Look Out: Two light skinned African American males, one approx 5’9, the other about 6’2.  


Lt. Dignan also said he sees these armed robberies in the context of a surge in serious crime in our general area.


If we had the Neighborhood Network up, residents and businesses would have gotten this info earlier.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


Please don’t hesitate to ask to be removed from this list and to pass these on to people who may be interested or may want to join.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Public Safety Meeting Reminder - Neighborhood Network Launch


Dupont Public Safety /PSA 208 Meeting is, tonight, Tuesday October 16st at 7pm for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues at the 1620 V Street 3D Station (yes, even though we are now in 2D,we’re still holding the meetings in the same place). (It’s always held on the 3rd Tuesdays.)


1)      Samantha Nolan will be advising us to on how to start up a neighborhood watch. I rarely send emails “High Importance” but getting people to show up to learn about being a Block Captains is something that could mean huge differences to our neighborhood in crime defense and in the event of an emergency. Please give an hour of your time to find out what we can do with a Neighborhood Network. We have about 55 blocks that we’d like to cover. Please get someone from your block to show up tonight! If you  can’t come or don’t think you’d be a good block captain, please forward this or pick up the phone to get your neighbor there tonight.


2)      There was a stabbing in Dupont Circle itself last week. 2 people who may have been drinking in the park got into an altercation. The injured is in stable condition in the hospital and the suspect was arrested by MPD moments afterward. The Current will have a story Wednesday.


3)      Off-topic: the Dupont House Tour still needs a few more volunteers for Sunday’s event. Please contact me if you can volunteer from 2:30 to 5. (You get a tour ticket and we have great volunteer party afterwards).


4)      Next month the PSA/Public Safety meeting may do a Walk Around. We’ll walk part of the neighborhood with the police. We can get the detailed knowledge about a few areas that that are problems. By seeing a problem then and there, they may be able to understand better how to attack it.


Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. Email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion if you can’t make tonight. And if you want to be a block captain but can’t make it.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



If you don’t want to be on this list, just ask to be removed. Feel free to pass this on to people who may want to be on the list.



Monday, September 17, 2007

Public Safety Meeting Reminder


Dupont Public Safety /PSA 208 Meeting is Tuesday September 18st at 7pm for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues at the 1620 V Street 3D Station (yes, even though we are now in 2D,we’re still holding the meetings in the same place). (It’s always held on the 3rd Tuesdays.) Our new Commander, Andrew Solberg will be there as will as our Lt Dignan.


Two topics I plan to cover are the policing of west P Street from 11pm to 4am and issues in the Circle itself.  Many people have pointed out how the Circle has had more issues recently. I’ve been communicating with the US Park Police captain.


There will be some change-over issues to discuss such as which officers now have which beats. We’ll get their contacts out when those are solidified.


Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion.


Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



If you don’t want to be on this list, just ask to be removed. Feel free to pass this on to people who may want to be on the list.



Friday, August 31, 2007

PSA Move to 2D Announced

PSA 306 (Dupont and Kalorama) will be PSA 208 come Sunday.  There will be no PSA 306 (307 and 308 won’t change their numbers). MPD has handled the communication and the taking of the community’s input on this matter very well, in my opinion. Let’s hope the transfer itself goes as well. Here are the new contacts and addresses:,a,1239,q,544652,mpdcNav_GID,1535.asp . The map and roster have not yet been updated.


There has been a spike in burglaries in East Dupont and Logan in large apartment buildings. A suspect has been identified. The security tapes have shown residents letting the suspect into the building without getting buzzed up. Pressure your neighbors and management to stop people from doing that.


Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



If you don’t want to be on this list, just ask to be removed. Feel free to pass this on to people who may want to be on the list.


Monday, August 20, 2007

Public Safety Meeting Reminder


Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday August 21st at 7pm for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues at the 1620 V Street 3D Station. (It’s always held on the 3rd Tuesdays.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion. You drive the agenda. MPD has been solving some long-standing problems recently. Give them a try.


National Night Out August 7th had a great turn out. Thanks again to Mark and Orlando’s, Palomar Hotel, and Main Streets for sponsoring. MPD followed up on what they learned that nigh and made 2 arrests already as a result.


Darrell Barber was arrested for violating his parole. Thanks to all those who helped on that.


Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



If you don’t want to be on this list, just ask to be removed. Feel free to pass this on to people who may want to be on the list.



Sunday, August 5, 2007

National Night Out Tuesday and Misc

1)National Night Out (NNO) is a nationwide annual event where local police departments rally community members to join with neighbors and police officers to:

  • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
  • Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs;
  • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
  • Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

Dupont’s National Night Out, this year, is on Hopkins Court, Tuesday, August 7th, 5pm to 7pm. Hopkins is that one block street that runs south off of P Street in between 20th and 21st. MPD will block off the street. Parked cars will have to be moved.


We’ll be grilling up burgers and hot dogs donated by the Hotel Palomar. Mark & Orlando’s and other local restaurants will be providing a smorgasbord of side items from baked beans and cole slaw to mac’n’cheese and salad. There will be a jazz band.


MPD will bring one of their harbor patrol boats, have a helicopter do a low fly by, and bring key personal such as the lieutenant in charge of drug investigations. Besides coming to get to know your police, please come with info on the area drug dealing. The Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit (GLLU) will be there, too.



2) From our Lieutenant Dignan:


The Third District would like to make everyone aware of the arrest of two subjects that are believed to have been involved in at least 5 robberies in your neighborhood: 1900 block of 13th Street, 1800 block of 13th Street,1500 P Street, 1600 Church Street and the 2100 block of 14th Street.  We are also looking to see if the subjects could possibly been involved in more robberies.     


3) From a reliable neighbor:


Rash of attempted break ins, and one successful break in  on 1400 Swann today in broad daylight.  Appx. 2:30pm, several  attempted entries into properties in the 1400 blocks of Swann and T.  Burglar(s) took computers and other valuables while residents were gone for just one hour.  Police have been very responsive, both to the burglary, and with a separate patrol car visiting our block, with the officer talking with neighbors.



4) The Chief of Police is likely receive the recommendation that our Police Service Area (PSA) for Dupont and Kalorama be moved to the 2nd Police District but that has not been officially recommended.



5) Darrell Barber hasn’t been arrested. There is someone who looks like Darrell Barber in the neighborhood but who is less mobile. Darrell Barber struts around like he’s working; the other guy walks with a cane. He has no warrant or court-ordered stay-away so calling his whereabouts to the attention of the day officers on duty by calling me is about the best we can do.



6) Dupont Public Safety meeting will be at 7pm on August 21st at1620 V Street in the 3rd District headquarters.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



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Monday, July 23, 2007

FW: Darrell Barber is back.

3D has detailed a team in the mornings to try to break this burglary spree. If you see Darrell Barber, give me a call with his location and I will convey to officers on the case on duty at the time.


The below generated a lot of stories about Barber but none leading to anything, yet.


Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


-----Original Message-----------


There have been 14 recent home burglaries in East Dupont. Some fitting this pattern are in Logan and Shaw. Most are in the morning from 7 to 11. I’ve seen the man below on the streets many times recently and strongly suspect he is the perpetrator. In a perfect world (well-functioning government) he wouldn’t have been released without restrictions back into the community after his most recent conviction. This is a problem, I’ve been pushing the City Council would address.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


From: Rob Halligan
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 2:48 PM
Subject: Darrell Barber is back.



<< If I find out from the US Attorney that a particular burglar is out of jail again, I’ll send out his photo – since he matches the description of a suspect committing day home burglaries. >>


The US Attorney’s office confirmed that Darrel Barber was released from jail in March. I suspect he is committing day-time house burglaries again. If he (pictured) knocks on your door to ask if you want to have some yard works done, he is probably doing so to break in if you didn’t answer. I don’t yet know if his probation conditions prohibit him from certain areas


If a listserv stripped the photos off the email, the pictures of Darrell Barber are posted on this page One is titled “Day Burglar Person of Interest”.


Darrell Barber.jpgDarrell Barber at Work.jpg



-----------------Original Message---------------


I had a passionate discussion about what to do about homelessness, Wednesday. Thanks to all who came out. But what to do next?


Craig Keller, from the Homeless Services section of DC’s Department of Mental Health, offered to follow up with individual cases and property owners who are not operating in accordance with the community (my phrase). He seemed to be hot on the task. Send him the location and time the person is there and he will try to help them.


He also offered to talk to property owners such as churches who are creating issues. We had quite a few churches represented Wednesday but a few didn’t respond to invitations to come.  


Craig Keller

Homeless Services

Department of Mental Health

Craig Keller (202) 698-5555 (202) 841-2915


Also, this Wednesday at 7pm Foundry is having another open meeting. It’s “Solutions to Homelessness.” I can’t make that, but I hope some of you can and can convey to me the gist and desired follow on.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



-----Original Message-----------


Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday June 19 at 7pm at the Foundry Methodist at the NW corner of 16th and P.  (It’s usually held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues at 1620 V Street NW.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion.


We’ll concentrate on public safety and homelessness issues revolving around churches, Borderstan (14th to R to 16th to P) issues, and whatever other in general public safety issues people want to address.


We’re concentrating on church issues because quite a few people have independently had issues with what goes on around different churches in that area. Thank you to Foundry Methodist ( for hosting.


If I find out from the US Attorney that a particular burglar is out of jail again, I’ll send out his photo – since he matches the description of a suspect committing day home burglaries.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

FW: Darrell Barber is back.

There have been 14 recent home burglaries in East Dupont. Some fitting this pattern are in Logan and Shaw. Most are in the morning from 7 to 11. I’ve seen the man below on the streets many times recently and strongly suspect he is the perpetrator. In a perfect world (well-functioning government) he wouldn’t have been released without restrictions back into the community after his most recent conviction. This is a problem, I’ve been pushing the City Council would address.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


From: Rob Halligan
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 2:48 PM
Subject: Darrell Barber is back.



<< If I find out from the US Attorney that a particular burglar is out of jail again, I’ll send out his photo – since he matches the description of a suspect committing day home burglaries. >>


The US Attorney’s office confirmed that Darrel Barber was released from jail in March. I suspect he is committing day-time house burglaries again. If he (pictured) knocks on your door to ask if you want to have some yard works done, he is probably doing so to break in if you didn’t answer. I don’t yet know if his probation conditions prohibit him from certain areas


If a listserv stripped the photos off the email, the pictures of Darrell Barber are posted on this page One is titled “Day Burglar Person of Interest”.


Darrell Barber.jpgDarrell Barber at Work.jpg



-----------------Original Message---------------


I had a passionate discussion about what to do about homelessness, Wednesday. Thanks to all who came out. But what to do next?


Craig Keller, from the Homeless Services section of DC’s Department of Mental Health, offered to follow up with individual cases and property owners who are not operating in accordance with the community (my phrase). He seemed to be hot on the task. Send him the location and time the person is there and he will try to help them.


He also offered to talk to property owners such as churches who are creating issues. We had quite a few churches represented Wednesday but a few didn’t respond to invitations to come.  


Craig Keller

Homeless Services

Department of Mental Health

Craig Keller (202) 698-5555 (202) 841-2915


Also, this Wednesday at 7pm Foundry is having another open meeting. It’s “Solutions to Homelessness.” I can’t make that, but I hope some of you can and can convey to me the gist and desired follow on.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



-----Original Message-----------


Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday June 19 at 7pm at the Foundry Methodist at the NW corner of 16th and P.  (It’s usually held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues at 1620 V Street NW.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion.


We’ll concentrate on public safety and homelessness issues revolving around churches, Borderstan (14th to R to 16th to P) issues, and whatever other in general public safety issues people want to address.


We’re concentrating on church issues because quite a few people have independently had issues with what goes on around different churches in that area. Thank you to Foundry Methodist ( for hosting.


If I find out from the US Attorney that a particular burglar is out of jail again, I’ll send out his photo – since he matches the description of a suspect committing day home burglaries.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



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Monday, July 16, 2007

Public Safety Meeting, 2nd Meeting on Potential Move of PSA, and Nat Night Out


Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday July 17 at 7pm for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues at the 1620 V Street 3D Station. (It’s always held on the 3rd Tuesdays.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion. I plan to talk about some drug dealing and some burglaries. You drive the agenda, though. MPD has been solving some long-standing problems recently. Give them a try.


2nd District meeting to discuss PSA 306 moving to 2D. Wednesday July 18th at St. Columba’s Church, 4201 Albemarle Street, NW at 6:30. Dept Chief Newsham and 2D Commander Solberg will present on PSA 306 potentially becoming PSA 208. Based on the first meeting and general feedback to date, I don’t see objecting to the entire PSA moving over in a month or 2.


National Night Out Tuesday August 7th from 5pm to 7pm at Hopkins and P(Hopkins is in between 20th and 21st. Mark and Orlando’s, Palomar Hotel, and Main Streets are sponsoring. Nationwide MPD comes out in the streets to talk to people and offer some munchies (food should be good.). Problems in that area range from some street drug dealing to school kids getting rowdy. Come meet the police who can help deal with crime issues that you have.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



If you don’t want to be on this list, just ask to be removed. Feel free to pass this on to people who may want to be on the list.


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Thursday, July 12, 2007

MPD Seeking Public Input on GLLU Expansion


From: [] On Behalf Of Ashburn, Matthew (MPD)
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:35 PM
Subject: [MPD-2d] MPD Seeking Public Input on GLLU Expansion


The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) would like to hear from the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) community before finalizing any plans to enhance MPD's liaison units. MPD is engaging the public in the development of these units, with the ultimate goal of increasing citywide access to these units. 

Over the next few weeks, there will be group meetings in the GLBT community to solicit input in all seven police districts. These meetings will help the Department gather perceptions of MPD and hear concerns about the services MPD provides to members of the GLBT community.  The information from these meetings will be incorporated into a final plan for enhancements to the GLLU.

Details about the dates and times of the GLLU-specific meetings are provided below, as well as in the attached public flyer; feel free to distribute it to interested parties.  For those residents who are unable to attend the meetings, the MPD has created an e-mail address to allow another means of submission of suggestions and/or concerns regarding the liaison units: For more information about the meetings or any of the MPD liaison units, please contact the following:

Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit
Lt. Alberto Jova / (202) 724-4153, 

Latino Liaison Unit
Enrique Rivera / (202) 727-8752

Asian Liaison Unit
Sgt. Kenny Temsupasiri / (202) 724-8009

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Unit
Ofc. Myra Jordan / (202) 671-2864 (TTY) or  

Dates of Community Meetings

Saturday, July 21, 2007
1:00 pm
Metropolitan Community Church
474 Ridge Street, N.W.
Metro: Mount Vernon Square / Convention Center

Monday, July 23, 2007
7:00 pm
University of the
District of Columbia
4200 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Building 38, Windows Lounge
Metro: Van Ness/UDC

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
7:00 pm
Us Helping Us, People Into Living, Inc.
3636 Georgia Avenue, N.W.
Metro: Petworth Metro Stop

Thursday, July 26, 2007
7:00 pm
Marshall Heights Community Development Organization
Conference Room
3939 Benning Road, N.E.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
7:00 pm
1901 Mississippi Avenue, S.E.
Metro: Southern Avenue

Wednesday, August 1, 2007
7:00 pm
Emery Recreation Center
Multi-Purpose Room
5701 Georgia Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20011

Thursday, August 2, 2007
7:00 pm
Gallaudet University
Jordan Student Academic Center
Upper-Level Multi-Purpose Room
800 Florida Avenue NE
Metro:  New York Ave /Gallaudet Univesity

Monday, August 6, 2007
7:00 pm
Metro Teen AIDS
651 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.
Metro: Eastern Market

Please forward this to anyone who you think would find it of interest. 



Matt W. Ashburn, Auxiliary #1314
Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit
Office of the Chief of Police
Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department
1369-A Connecticut Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036



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Sunday, July 8, 2007

More on PSA Move


See attached letter and flyer. Note that Chief Lanier can’t make the ANC meeting. Assistant Chief Newsham is coming in her stead. He has the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Districts under his command. Commander Solberg confirmed that he is attending with Commander McCoy.


Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


From: Rob Halligan
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 3:52 PM
Subject: 3D Cook Out and Chief Lanier Coming to ANC to Talk about plan to Move Dupont's Police Station



The Dupont ANC has agreed to host MPD Chief Lanier, 2D Commander Solberg, and 3D Commander McCoy for its first 30 minutes this coming Wednesday (the 11th at 7pm at the JCC at 16th and Q) to discuss the moving of all of the Dupont and Kalorama Police Service Area (PSA 306) out of the 3rd District’s jurisdiction and into the 2nd District.


Cook Out:

On Saturday, July 7th MPD is having an afternoon cookout fundraiser for an Officer Raj Bhalla who died in an off duty motorcycle accident. He was a patrol officer in PSA 306 who left behind a wife and two young children.  The cookout will be held in the 3D station at 1630 V Street.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



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Thursday, July 5, 2007

3D Cook Out and Chief Lanier Coming to ANC to Talk about plan to Move Dupont's Police Station


The Dupont ANC has agreed to host MPD Chief Lanier, 2D Commander Solberg, and 3D Commander McCoy for its first 30 minutes this coming Wednesday (the 11th at 7pm at the JCC at 16th and Q) to discuss the moving of all of the Dupont and Kalorama Police Service Area (PSA 306) out of the 3rd District’s jurisdiction and into the 2nd District.


Cook Out:

On Saturday, July 7th MPD is having an afternoon cookout fundraiser for an Officer Raj Bhalla who died in an off duty motorcycle accident. He was a patrol officer in PSA 306 who left behind a wife and two young children.  The cookout will be held in the 3D station at 1630 V Street.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Darrell Barber is back.

<< If I find out from the US Attorney that a particular burglar is out of jail again, I’ll send out his photo – since he matches the description of a suspect committing day home burglaries. >>


The US Attorney’s office confirmed that Darrel Barber was released from jail in March. I suspect he is committing day-time house burglaries again. If he (pictured) knocks on your door to ask if you want to have some yard works done, he is probably doing so to break in if you didn’t answer. I don’t yet know if his probation conditions prohibit him from certain areas


If a listserv stripped the photos off the email, the pictures of Darrell Barber are posted on this page One is titled “Day Burglar Person of Interest”.


Darrell Barber.jpgDarrell Barber at Work.jpg



-----------------Original Message---------------


I had a passionate discussion about what to do about homelessness, Wednesday. Thanks to all who came out. But what to do next?


Craig Keller, from the Homeless Services section of DC’s Department of Mental Health, offered to follow up with individual cases and property owners who are not operating in accordance with the community (my phrase). He seemed to be hot on the task. Send him the location and time the person is there and he will try to help them.


He also offered to talk to property owners such as churches who are creating issues. We had quite a few churches represented Wednesday but a few didn’t respond to invitations to come.  


Craig Keller

Homeless Services

Department of Mental Health

Craig Keller (202) 698-5555 (202) 841-2915


Also, this Wednesday at 7pm Foundry is having another open meeting. It’s “Solutions to Homelessness.” I can’t make that, but I hope some of you can and can convey to me the gist and desired follow on.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



-----Original Message-----------


Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday June 19 at 7pm at the Foundry Methodist at the NW corner of 16th and P.  (It’s usually held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues at 1620 V Street NW.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion.


We’ll concentrate on public safety and homelessness issues revolving around churches, Borderstan (14th to R to 16th to P) issues, and whatever other in general public safety issues people want to address.


We’re concentrating on church issues because quite a few people have independently had issues with what goes on around different churches in that area. Thank you to Foundry Methodist ( for hosting.


If I find out from the US Attorney that a particular burglar is out of jail again, I’ll send out his photo – since he matches the description of a suspect committing day home burglaries.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Follow Up to June Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306....

We had a passionate discussion about what to do about homelessness, Wednesday. Thanks to all who came out. But what to do next?


Craig Keller, from the Homeless Services section of DC’s Department of Mental Health, offered to follow up with individual cases and property owners who are not operating in accordance with the community (my phrase). He seemed to be hot on the task. Send him the location and time the person is there and he will try to help them.


He also offered to talk to property owners such as churches who are creating issues. We had quite a few churches represented Wednesday but a few didn’t respond to invitations to come.  


Craig Keller

Homeless Services

Department of Mental Health

Craig Keller (202) 698-5555 (202) 841-2915


Also, this Wednesday at 7pm Foundry is having another open meeting. It’s “Solutions to Homelessness.” I can’t make that, but I hope some of you can and can convey to me the gist and desired follow on.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



-----Original Message-----------


Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday June 19 at 7pm at the Foundry Methodist at the NW corner of 16th and P.  (It’s usually held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues at 1620 V Street NW.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion.


We’ll concentrate on public safety and homelessness issues revolving around churches, Borderstan (14th to R to 16th to P) issues, and whatever other in general public safety issues people want to address.


We’re concentrating on church issues because quite a few people have independently had issues with what goes on around different churches in that area. Thank you to Foundry Methodist ( for hosting.


If I find out from the US Attorney that a particular burglar is out of jail again, I send out his photo – since he matches the description of a suspect committing day home burglaries.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


Monday, June 18, 2007

Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 - Different Venue

Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday June 19 at 7pm at the Foundry Methodist at the NW corner of 16th and P.  (It’s usually held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues at 1620 V Street NW.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion.


We’ll concentrate on public safety and homelessness issues revolving around churches, Borderstan (14th to R to 16th to P) issues, and whatever other in general public safety issues people want to address.


We’re concentrating on church issues because quite a few people have independently had issues with what goes on around different churches in that area. Thank you to Foundry Methodist ( for hosting.


If I find out from the US Attorney that a particular burglar is out of jail again, I send out his photo – since he matches the description of a suspect committing day home burglaries.




Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


Monday, May 14, 2007

Drug Squad Coming to Tuesday's Dupont Public Safety Meeting and other news

Reminder: Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday May 15th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (That’s held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion. If you are frustrated by past police response to issues, give it another try. MPD seems to have gotten better.


·        At Tuesday’s meeting, we plan to have Lt. Wilfredo Manlapaz who runs the 3D Focus Mission Unit (the drug and vice squad) or his staff to talk about problems with drug dealing in the neighborhood. If you have info that would be of value please collect and convey.


·        Inspector Linda C. Brown who replaced, now, Commander of the Special Operations Division Patrick Burke is planning to come to the meeting to introduce herself.


·        Sergeant Tanya Bell got the command of the GLLU (Gay & Lesbian Liaison Unit). She or the lieutenant who oversees that unit may come by.


Upcoming Meetings:


We are planning to hold the June 19th Public Safety/PSA meeting in a church on 15th or `6th Street to talk about issues around homelessness and other community relations issues that citizen and the area churches may have. We’re holding this because quite a few people have independently had issues with what goes on around different churches in that area.  


June 4 DCCA meeting will be on the topic of Public Safety: We’ll be announcing the details of that this week. It’ll be a joint meeting with the Logan Circle Citizens Association and will be at the Studio Theater at 14th and P at 7:30pm.




Wayne Bridgeforth got 40 months this time for stealing packages. He got 7 months the previous time. Thanks to all those who sent letters to the judge.


There’s a grey haired white male of about 60 years who is again going around cutting city trees and going in yards cutting private trees. This guy seems to think he is widening the public right of way. But he’s doing it in a way that is killing and damaging trees. He’ll leave a sharp branch at eye level…Please do look out for this guy. He does it in day light. And please call 911 if you see him. The fine can be $5000 for violating the 2002 Urban Forestry Act.


A graffiti vandal was caught a 14th and U last week but the barrage continues. And now there seem to be a movement to make the graffiti vandal who was jailed last year, the center of a counter-culture movement:



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313


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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Please consider Writing a Victim Impact or Community Impact Statement for Wayne Bridgeforth's Sentencing

Attached are two suggested letters. It would be great if you could send something like one of those to the US Attorney Community Liaison, Marilyn Morey (, today, expressing your desire for the judge to treat the record and charges of Wayne Bridgeforth as seriously as possible regarding sentencing guidelines. She will get them to the judge who tomorrow will sentence Wayne Bridgeforth for stealing packages. Previous sentences for similar crimes have been far lower than what seemed reasonable (120 days in jail for stealing US Mail - when he has a record longer than your arm).


DupontForum and other YahooGroup members, if you didn’t get the attachments they are at


Sorry, for the late notice.



Rob Halligan

202 319 1313



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Friday, April 27, 2007

FW: Robberies


We had another violent robbery in east Dupont, Wednesday. The Descriptions of the suspects in the run of robberies are different but their behavior – Modus Operandi – is similar.




Location:           1500 Corcoran Street NW

Date:                April 25, 2007

Time:                12:10 AM


The victim reports that she had just parked her vehicle and was walking towards 16th Street when the suspect one approached her from behind and placed her in a choke hold.  The suspect one then threw the victim to the ground at which time another suspect, suspect two, was of heard telling suspect one not to hurt the victim. The victim began yelling and both suspect started to kick the victim. The suspects then ran off towards 14th and Corcoran Street. The victim received abrasions to her legs. 


The suspects are described as:


B/M 230-250 wearing a black t-shirt and black pants.


B/F 110-120 med complexion all black clothing.


Scott P. Dignan


3rd District

Police Service Area 306

1624 V Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20009





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Monday, April 16, 2007

Complacency with Crime and Dupont Public Safety/PSA 306 Meeting Reminder

Reminder: Dupont Public Safety Meeting/PSA 306 is Tuesday April 16th at 7pm at the 3rd District Metropolitan Police Dept Headquarters at 1620 V Street. (Held on the 3rd Tuesdays for Dupont and Kalorama-Sheridan issues.) Our community depends on good communications to and from our police. This is a roundtable meeting where we problem-solve. Bring an issue – no matter how minor. Or email me or our lieutenants to submit items for discussion.


Think about bringing an at-risk kid who might benefit from positive communications with police.


Complacency Warning: Try putting your various addresses (work, school, the bar you may wander out of late at night) into this crime mapping tool and compare incident totals: Someone moving from Foggy Bottom to Dupont searched at 1500 feet for last 60 days for both addresses. The Dupont house showed 68 crimes with 10 being violent and the Foggy Bottom 27 with 0 being violent.  Who’d have thought there would be such a major difference? That made me think that we get used to the crime we have around here.


Improving our crime problem starts by getting aware, asking questions as to why we have so much, and coming up with solutions for reducing it. If we had more people involved, we could better advocate for more resources. (Although PSA 306 seems to have better staff now than in recent memory.)  If Dupont had someone who advocated like Jim Graham does for Adams Morgan, we’d have more police presence.  (Of course, police presence is only part of the equation.) Get to know your neighborhood, neighbors, police, prosecutors, judges, business owners, school teachers, and politicians. As Thomas Jefferson said, "Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."



Rob Halligan